the voxxy

Influencer discovery

Voxxy provides an extensive database of 17M+ global influencers for discovery.

Influencer Audience Profiles

Fraud Analysis

Creator Health Scores

Growth History & Insights

Campaign Management

We help you manage your influencer campaigns and maximise ROI from your campaigns. With our management and collaboration system, our platform helps us-

Manage Creator Collaborations & Approvals

Track Creator Statuses

Provide personalised briefs

TRacking & Reporting

Voxxy provides real time tracking and monitoring of your live campaigns.

Custom reports and insights

Configurable metrics by post, campaign, platform

KPI’s across platforms

Reporting & Insights

TRacking & Reporting

Voxxy provides real time tracking and monitoring of your live campaigns.

Custom reports and insights

Configurable metrics by post, campaign,and platform.

KPI’s across platforms

Reporting & Insights

Uplevel your social media presence!


HD-501, C-20, G Block, BKC, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051


Level 18-A SCBD,Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav, Jakarta Selatan 12190